Saturday Status 8/24/13

WP_20130821_009Well here we are again; the week passed way too quick­ly. It seems the entire sum­mer is gone! I hope you’re all enjoy­ing the weath­er while it’s still nice. It’s been rainy every after­noon here, which is more like June than August, but at least we don’t have the wild­fires we did last year! My daugh­ter took this pic­ture while we drove down the inter­state in Den­ver. What does it mean!?

Work in Progress News ~ My sched­uled writ­ing time was a suc­cess! Well sort of. It worked for the first day. After that I was­n’t real­ly able to write through­out the rest of the week. School starts on Tues­day, so I plan to kick some wordage butt for at least four days next week while I’ve got qui­et time dur­ing the day. I’ve got sev­er­al read­ers look­ing for­ward to Dean’s sto­ry. I promise, I’m work­ing on it! No one wants this sto­ry writ­ten more than I do.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Not sure how many times I’ll share some ver­sion of this song on my sta­tus posts, but this one is total­ly wor­thy. Some­body That I Used To Know by May­day Parade fea­tur­ing Vic Fuentes

Back­list News ~ Wyoming Solace received a nice 4 rib­bon review from Romance Junkies, and Tak­ing Her There was reviewed over at Guilty Plea­sures. Check them out!

Tweet of the Week ~

Indus­try News ~ Smash­words came out with a new fea­ture that I think is pret­ty neat. Author Inter­views will be post­ed on the Smash­words site, so read­ers can get to know the authors! I start­ed fill­ing one out, but come to find my Smash­words pro­file is set as a “pub­lish­er” since I have a pen name attached to my account. So there’s a bug there, I hope it gets sort­ed out. I have so many cool answers to these ques­tions, guys. [Source] I could always add a question/answer sec­tion to my week­ly post! Leave a ques­tion in the com­ments and I’ll answer next week.

What I’m read­ing ~ Promis­es by Marie Sex­ton (who is a real­ly great per­son in real life!)  Blurb: Jared Thomas has lived his whole life in the small moun­tain town of Coda, Col­orado. He can’t imag­ine liv­ing any­where else. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the only oth­er gay man in town is twice his age and used to be his teacher, so Jared is resigned to spend­ing his life alone. Until Matt Richards walks into his life, that is. Matt has just been hired by the Coda Police Depart­ment, and he and Jared imme­di­ate­ly become friends. Matt claims he is straight, but for Jared, hav­ing a sexy friend like Matt is way too tempt­ing. Fac­ing Matt’s affair with a local woman, his dis­ap­prov­ing fam­i­ly, and harass­ment from Matt’s co-work­ers, Jared fears they’ll nev­er find a way to be together–if he can even con­vince Matt to try.

Book Snip­pet ~ From Falling Star:

He fol­lowed her into her house, and even into her bed­room, despite her fee­ble attempts to kick him out. “If you brought some of your things over to my house, we wouldn’t have to go through this.” He peeled last night’s dress off her. Again.

You wouldn’t mind a woman’s things in your bach­e­lor bathroom?”

Hell no. And when you aren’t with me, I can go in there and sniff them.”

You’re depraved.”

No, Depraved is what I would do after I sniffed them.”

I think I’d like to see that.”

I think I can arrange a pri­vate show­ing.” He pulled her into the show­er, and lath­ered the loofa while she sham­pooed her hair.

You, sir, are a dis­trac­tion, and I can’t be late for work.”

I’m just help­ing so you’ll be ready faster.”

Then keep your tongue in your mouth.”

Not hard­ly. She did make it to work on time, but only because Adam drove like Mario Andretti.

Well that’s it for me for anoth­er week. I hope to report many thou­sands of words next Sat­ur­day. Have a great one!

Whadd'ya think?