Saturday Status 12/22/12

Wel­come! Can you believe it’s almost Christ­mas? I’m not even sick of Christ­mas music yet! For all my loy­al read­ers (mom) I apol­o­gize for skip­ping last week, but after what hap­pened in Con­necti­cut, I just could­n’t make myself  post anything.

Work in Progress News ~ I fin­ished! My short bad-girl sto­ry should have tak­en me two weeks to write, but at least I fin­ished by the end of the (world) year like I’d hoped. It’s off to my cri­tique part­ners. We’ll see what they say. I’m read­ing through it again myself. I plan on send­ing it to my favorite pubs only. If they don’t bite, I’ll self pub­lish it. As soon as I fig­ure out a title, I’ll make a book page on Olivi­a’s web­site. Wish me luck!

Favorite Song of the Week ~I know I post­ed this last year, but it’s tru­ly one of my favorites. So much bet­ter live. Please Enjoy:
Tweet of the Week ~ It’s real­ly been two weeks, and some of the tweets were tear-jerk­ing. This one is on the lighter side:

Indus­try News ~ Pen­guin has set­tled with The Depart­ment of Jus­tice, leav­ing only Apple and Macmil­lan left to answer to the col­lu­sion charge. It’s pret­ty inter­est­ing to watch this unfold.

What I’m read­ing ~  The Heart of Texas by RJ Scott. Imag­ine Dal­las with an m/m fla­vor. This book has a lot going on. It moves quick­ly, and has lots of char­ac­ters. We’ve got an arranged mar­riage (the two heroes, GFY) a secret baby, mil­lion­aires, bad blood, adultery…you name it. This might be one of my fave books of 2012.

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ I’m sure this is a typo, but I’m a lit­tle mad that I did­n’t think of this spelling when com­ing up with my pen name. It looks a lot more exot­ic. “olyvia brynn”. That would have helped with the recent baby-nam­ing trend.

Book Snip­pet ~ From my new­ly fin­ished yet still unti­tled book!

Do you know what I think?” His voice. God, his voice. Low and rumbly, it washed over her skin to tease each nerve end­ing with a gen­tle lick.

She swal­lowed. “What?”

I think you do a lot of hid­ing behind that dom­i­na­trix façade you’ve built.” His cof­fee-tinged breath was warm on her cheek. “I think that’s prob­a­bly how you get through your time iso­lat­ed in your glass palace. Prob­a­bly how you get through your day-to-day life being ordered around by direc­tors and agents and–” he dropped his focus to her mouth when she licked her lips “–boyfriends.”

You don’t know a damn thing about–”

I know every­thing there is to know about you. Your whole life is an open book. You nev­er used that mute but­ton in all the time I’ve been dri­ving you around. If I were any­one else I’d blush.”

Every­one, have a very Mer­ry Christ­mas! I hope you’ve all been very good boys and girls.

Whadd'ya think?