Saturday Status 8/11/12

Hap­py Sat­ur­day! Like many through­out the nation and world, I spent Sun­day night glued to my com­put­er watch­ing NASA’s Rover Curiosity’s suc­cess­ful land­ing on Mars. I got goose­bumps. I hope my British read­ers aren’t offend­ed by this pic­ture. I just had to. I mean, look at the Eagle’s expression!

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Bad Lip Read­ing just gets bet­ter and bet­ter. They cov­ered Coldplay’s  In My Place. Renamed it Yeti. I’d love to see a behind-the-scenes video for BLR.

Work in Progress News ~ Wrote a few K into Dean’s sto­ry, the sec­ond in the Earth Scents series. I’m a lit­tle wor­ried about fol­low­ing a m/f book with an m/m book. If I have any read­er opin­ions, I’d love to hear them. Oth­er­wise, I’m just chug­ging away. Dean’s sto­ry will be writ­ten either way I guess.

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ This week, I found this par­tial phrase: “her hands moved low­er”. I always won­der if these are things I typed in pre­vi­ous flash fic­tion sto­ries? Those four words must have struck a chord some­where somehow.

What I’m read­ing ~ I don’t remem­ber why I picked this one up. Sure, Jen­nifer Prob­st is a best­seller and all, but I’m usu­al­ly not swayed by that. The Mar­riage Bar­gain is a con­tem­po­rary novel­la, with a whole lot of 80s Har­le­quin flare. We have a bil­lion­aire, a strug­gling work­ing class girl, an arranged mar­riage, and even a sneaky dead uncle’s will. I admit, I loved it. Snap­py dia­logue, and excel­lent writ­ing. Entan­gled Pub­lish­ing is on my short list of poten­tial publishers.

Hero Quote ~ From Derek in Fine Print. This is where he changes the rules on poor Kara.

 ”If you real­ly want­ed to have a ster­ile con­cep­tion, you would have gone to a ster­ile sperm bank, and picked one of the ster­ile vials of sperm, with no strings attached. This way, we’re skip­ping the mid­dle man. We can bypass the lab and maybe even enjoy our­selves a lit­tle bit in the process.” 

Kara han­dles it pret­ty well though. Okay folks. Time to get back to it. Have a great week!