Love’s a Beach Blog Hop

Wel­come! It’s JustRomance.Me blog hop time again. If you’re just hap­pen­ing along this post, and would like to join in the fun, just click that ban­ner and you can start at the begin­ning. We have lots of prizes up for grabs.

Okay, so liv­ing on top of a moun­tain in the mid­dle of the con­ti­nent, there aren’t many beach­es around here. The lakes we do have are lined with boul­ders, not nice soft sand. So when I think of a beach, I have to rely on Hol­ly­wood. So for your plea­sure, I’ve com­piled short clips of the top five (in my opin­ion) best beach scenes ever filmed.

Num­ber Five: The lit­tle Mer­maid. I wish I could have found a clip of the scene where she walks out of the sea on two legs in a shim­mer­ing blue dress, but I do like the way this guy mixed it up:

Num­ber Four: Dud­ley Moore run­ning toward his dream girl Bo Derek in the movie “10″

Num­ber Three: The Blue Lagoon. Just try to for­get that they’re cousins.

Num­ber Two: The begin­ning scene in Grease. These two cer­tain­ly don’t look 17 to me…

Num­ber One: The most famous beach kiss, from the movie From Here to Eternity.

Sexy, yes, but all I can think of is the sand get­ting into places I don’t want it get­ting into. That’s just me.

I hope you’re enjoy­ing your hop through the web. Good luck in the draw­ing, and feel free to pick up my Free Read.

We’ll be chat­ting at Gem Sivad’s place on Sun­day night. That’s where we announce the win­ners live, so please join us!