Six Sentence Sunday 3/4/12

Howdy! I haven’t played with six sen­tences in so long, I hope I remem­ber how to do this!

Today I’m shar­ing six sen­tences from my new release Com­pa­ny Ink, a con­tem­po­rary boss/employee story.

Click the cov­er for blurb, excerpt, and buy links.


Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me you don’t want me and I’ll leave before I touch you. I’ll nev­er speak of this again. We’ll con­tin­ue our bick­er­ing, and only you and I will know what it tru­ly cov­ers. Or–”

You’re not wrong,” she whispered.

I hope I make it around to vis­it every­one after work today. Have a great Sunday!

12 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 3/4/12

  1. A great six! I can feel the sex­u­al ten­sion between them. And LOVE the cov­er! So cool!

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