Saturday Status 2/4/12

Wel­come! What a week. Got some snow here, so I’m not a hap­py camper. Damn groundhog.

So what do you think of the new back­ground? I’m prepar­ing for Valen­tine’s Day.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ DoZo (Guns For Hire), a song from by Pus­cifer. This is a remix of the song “Dozo” by Lust­mord. I dig it.

Work in Progress News ~ I’m in the mid­dle of writ­ing a free read pre­quel to com­ple­ment Pre­View. So a Pre­View Pre View. That should be a fun title to find. I’m doing this because my oth­er free reads have been so well received! Check them out.

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ This one makes me proud. “did adam and eve have navels bloom coun­ty” If you don’t remem­ber Bloom Coun­ty, then you’re not old like me. If you do, you might remem­ber this par­tic­u­lar strip, which is embed­ded in my wee lit­tle brain for all eternity:

 What I’€™m read­ing ~ I re-read one of my favorites. This one was released back in ear­ly 2009, won a few awards, and re-released to its ador­ing pub­lic Per­fect Strangers by Gem Sivad. Wow. If you haven’t read a Gem Sivad book, you’re miss­ing out. She’s got a great knack for bring­ing the past to life. In all it’s grit­ty glo­ry. These char­ac­ters are very true to the time. One of my favorite books right here.

Hero Quote ~ From Josh, the hero in Tes­sa’s Pride.

First insults and now lies. I can think of bet­ter uses for that mouth.”

I think that’s it for me. You all have a great week­end. I hope the foot­ball game does­n’t get too much in the way of your com­mer­cial viewing!


Whadd'ya think?