Saturday Status 2/25/12

Wel­come! It’s the last Sat­ur­day of Feb­ru­ary! Spring is just around the cor­ner! I’m so excit­ed. Of course here in Wyoming we get the most snow­fall in March, but we’re inch­ing clos­er to warm sun­ny days! This week I dis­cov­ered a very very bad thing.  Yes, Pin­ter­est. It’s like Twit­ter for pic­tures. I’m hav­ing a won­der­ful time over there, but I can see myself spend­ing waaay too much time just look­ing at all the won­der­ful things the inter­net has for me. If you’re pin­ter­est­ed, I’d love to fol­low your pins!

Favorite Song of the Week ~ As I work on Wyoming Solace, I get into a coun­try mood. This is one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite coun­try singers. The King. Enjoy Des­per­ate­ly by George Strait. (No video)

Work in Progress News ~ I’m work­ing on edits this week. Round two for Wyoming Solace. Reg­u­lar blog read­ers know that I strug­gle to get my hero Cody to speak more than a few sen­tences at a time. Some­how, my edi­tor at Samhain has a rap­port with him, because he’s now decid­ing to open up a bit. Thanks, Lin­da! I love dig­ging deep­er into the male psyche.

Indus­try News ~ This week we had an author get ripped off…some­one copy past­ed her entire free read and offered it up as her own free read. She changed char­ac­ter names. Ugh. In bet­ter news, JK Rowl­ing has announced a new deal for an adult book for her adult fans! It’s rumored to be a mys­tery (haha that’s fun­ny) but title and plot have not been disclosed.

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ Some­times the terms are just so strange, I don’t under­stand how they find me. Then I post them here, caus­ing their term to find me again. (I learned my les­son with the hairy naked 80’s celebri­ties) This week it’s “nurse heather scrubs”.

What I’m read­ing ~ Speak­ing of the 80’s…I reread a book this week, no time for new stuff. I’d for­got­ten how much I enjoyed San­dra Brown’s Demon Rumm. It’s a con­tem­po­rary romance told in third per­son, but 100% in the hero’s point of view. I read this in paper­back. That’s right, folks. Real dead trees and stuff. Part of the blurb:

It was the pub­lic­i­ty stunt from hell as far as Kirsten Rumm was con­cerned. She may have been writ­ing the book about her late hus­band, aero­nau­ti­cal dare­dev­il Demon Rumm, but she didn’t see the need to play host to the arro­gant bad-boy actor star­ring in the film version’s title role. Still, for the good of the project, Kirsten agreed to share her beach­front home with the impos­si­bly sexy screen idol.”

Yeah, you can guess where it goes from there. Sigh.

Hero Quote ~ One of Cody’s new lines in Alan­na’s Wyoming Solace:

So far, your idea of pro­tec­tion seems to be an aging hus­band and a sharp tongue.”

Big news!

My book Com­pa­ny Ink comes out on Wednes­day! I’m very excit­ed for this one. My good friend Gem Sivad’s book Pinch of Naughty is being released on Fri­day 32, and we decid­ed to park our­selves in a chat room on Fri­day night from 7pm EST until the cows come home. When­ev­er that may be.  It’s going to be a great time, we’re giv­ing books away, shar­ing excerpts, and talk­ing shop. Please stop by »CLICK HERE« I’d love to visit.

See you there!

Whadd'ya think?