Saturday Status 11/19/11

Wait, Thanks­giv­ing week? For reals? I do love Thanks­giv­ing. Food and I have a love/love rela­tion­ship, so any day ded­i­cat­ed to stuff­ing myself sil­ly is pret­ty much my favorite. Wel­come back, I’m ask­ing for read­er help this week on a lit­tle side project. I’ll do my beg­ging at the end though.

Work in Progress News ~ I just (lit­er­al­ly, just three min­utes ago as of post­ing this) wrote The End on my short con­tem­po­rary. It not only has a title, but it’s got an awe­some cov­er. What do you think? Booknib­bles does great work. I’m look­ing at a few pub­lish­ers for this guy. For more info, and to read chap­ter one, click the cov­ers. Next up–reworking Alan­na’s Wyoming Solace for republication.

Upcom­ing Release News ~ Last Call got its new cov­er! Isn’t it pret­ty? Booknib­bles tweaked the font a bit to show how HOT the book is! This book is com­ing out in March. I just received the ARC, and it’s beau­ti­ful. Samhain does love­ly work.

Indus­try News ~ Kin­dle just announced their delayed gift­ing pro­gram. Now I can buy a Kin­dle book as a gift, and tell Ama­zon when to deliv­er it. This is great for Christ­mas presents! On that note, if there’s any­one out there who’d like to give one of my books as a Kin­dle gift, I’ve got cov­er flats I can sign and send to the recip­i­ent so they have some­thing under the tree. Just drop me a line!

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ How about “touch sexy in bus”? Makes you think of Alan­na Coca, right?

What I’m read­ing ~ Usu­al­ly before bed I like to read a bit. Often I pick books I’ve already read so I don’t stay up all night long read­ing some­thing real­ly good. Well, dumb me, I picked up Josh Lany­on’s The Ghost Wore Yel­low Socks. I admit, when I first read the title, I pic­tured Tom Han­ks and his one red shoe, that’s how old I am. Any­way, this is a great mys­tery, com­plete with a haunt­ed house, seances, and a great cast of char­ac­ters. Then the love sto­ry, which is a great tale of oppo­sites attract. A very good read, but not when you think you can just read “a chap­ter or two and then go to bed at a decent hour”. That won’t happen.

Hero Quote ~ From Last Call, my new­ly cov­ered re-release:

Look at me. You’re beau­ti­ful. Sexy. Fun­ny. Smart.” He licked her lips. “And you feel damn good around me. If there’s a man out there who can’t appre­ci­ate you for all that I can already see, then he’s a fool that you’re bet­ter off without.”

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Nina Does­n’t Care. By Susan Egan, Dis­ney’s Broad­way Belle. Have a baby, it’s an ego-check.

Thanks for stop­ping by! Now for my favor…I’m doing a lit­tle some­thing spe­cial for the Romance Times con­fer­ence next year. With­out giv­ing the whole thing away, let me just say I have some cov­er pho­tos, and I need some titles. Now, if they’re real­ly good titles, I might actu­al­ly write the book, but as it is, I just need the cov­er and title. I’ve got them post­ed on Google Plus and Face­book. If you could hop over to one of those sites and give me your opin­ions, you might win a back­list book!  Thanks in advance. Have a great week!

Whadd'ya think?