Saturday Status 10/22/11

 It’s Sat­ur­day again! I’m late get­ting this up, thanks to Word­Press for my dai­ly col­lec­tion of gray hair. I know you’re all on pins and nee­dles, so  on with the update!

Work in Progress News ~ I’m in the mid­dle of merg­ing two works into one. I also whit­tled down my “in progress” file down to eight. Five for Alan­na, three for me. As I updat­ed both sites’ Com­ing Soon pages, I noticed that all eight of the wips are full length. I enjoy writ­ing novel­las, so I need to come up with a plot for a short­ie. Any ideas?

Indus­try News ~ Two bits of news this week. First, there’s news that the new Kin­dle OS will be com­pat­i­ble with HTML5, which is great news because that means the new Kin­dles will be able to read epub books with a lot few­er for­mat­ting issues. Also, how would you like a vir­tu­al book­store that looks like this:

Pret­ty cool huh? Makes the vir­tu­al book­store a more visu­al thing.

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~  A cou­ple surfers found my web­site by search­ing for “erot­ic rid­ing” I sup­pose it’s a typo, but it could be a very inter­est­ing visual.

What I’m read­ing ~ Noth­ing new this week, but I did re-read a book by Cameron Dane, Some­thing New. It’s a real­ly good erot­ic menage with sus­pense elements.

A prod­uct of fos­ter care, sur­vivor Abby Gaines shields her heart and doesn’t believe in romance or love. Not even for Rodri­go San­ti­a­go and Braden Cren­shaw, the two men — friends — star­ring in her erot­ic fantasies.

Tough-as-nails Rodri­go wants Abby with a pas­sion. Just being near her makes him hard. To hide his desire, Rodri­go trades barbs and chal­lenges every­thing Abby says. Rodrigo’s secret? Recent­ly, some­one else has begun arous­ing het­ero­sex­u­al Rodrigo’s libido too. Anoth­er man. Braden Crenshaw.

Bisex­u­al, Braden has bounced between men and women in affairs that nev­er last. He’s tired of hurt­ing peo­ple but has nev­er believed ménage rela­tion­ships can work…until Abby and Rodri­go make him start aching for some­thing new.

When Abby begins dream­ing of her par­ents’ bru­tal dou­ble mur­der, the visions unearth new ele­ments that make Abby ques­tion every­thing she thought she knew about the crime. Once Braden and Rodri­go dis­cov­er the night­mares haunt­ing Abby, they vow to help her find answers to mys­tery and love whether she wants their assis­tance or not.

Cameron is one of my favorite con­tem­po­rary authors. There’s not a sin­gle book of hers that I read only once, and I’m lov­ing her shift toward RS.

Hero Quote ~ From Alan­na’s first nov­el, Wyoming Solace–Cody Campbell:

You can rest now, Elise. No one will hurt you here.”  He spoke against her hair, not want­i­ng to relin­quish his posi­tion. “For once…just rest. Sleep well.”

Favorite Song of the Week ~   This video is what turned me on to Sick Pup­pies. Appar­ent­ly I’m not the only one. When one of the band mem­bers made this video as a gift to the man in the video, it went viral. I can’t say that the video helped launch the band, but it sure did­n’t hurt.

Beau­ti­ful, huh? And we don’t have enough female bass play­ers out there. Hear that, girls? Pow­er up those amps. Okay, that’s it for me. Back to merg­ing wips.

Have a great week, everyone!


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