Saturday Status 8/6/11

This week went by even faster than the one before! I guess that’s a sign of some­thing. Not age though, shut up.

Well, here’s what I’ve been up to this week:

Works in Progress News ~ Con­tin­u­ing on the short for Olivia. I had to wait and see what these guys were going to do, I kind of put them in a pick­le, but they worked it out, just like I knew they would. In the process I dis­cov­ered some hid­den bag­gage, which total­ly explains a whole lot. Pants­ing is pret­ty fun when I learn these char­ac­ters just like a read­er. I’m right at 9K words, and now I’m work­ing on the big scene. If I put my nose to the grind­stone this week, I could have it done by next Sat­ur­day. We’ll see.

Indus­try News ~ I got noth­in’. Either there was­n’t any news, or I did­n’t think it was wor­thy enough to remem­ber. Pathet­ic, I know.

Real Life News ~ I’m off this week­end to Den­ver. Going to take the kids for a lit­tle back-to-school shop­ping and I’ll meet some friends for lunch. It’s pret­ty nice being able to make a day trip out of the city, it’s also nice dri­ving away from all that at the end of the day. The short dri­ve is usu­al­ly pret­ty good for my cre­ativ­i­ty also, so maybe I can think my way through a WiP or two.  Oth­er than that, still enjoy­ing this gor­geous sea­son of warmth and sun­shine. Total­ly addict­ed to work­ing out­side, my lap­top is cov­ered in tree sap.

Search Term of the Week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ Okay, this one from Olivi­a’s dash­board just bugs me: “posi­tion secured free”. I get a vari­a­tion of this every week, for var­i­ous book titles. Just a sug­ges­tion, if you’re look­ing to pirate a book, you won’t find it on the author’s web­site. {swear­word}

Hero Quote: Today’s quote is from Cody Camp­bell, the cow­boy hero from Wyoming Solace.

His eyes stud­ied her face for an inter­minable moment before releas­ing a con­de­scend­ing snort. “You’re a hor­ri­ble liar, Elise. I wouldn’t sug­gest you try that again. It doesn’t become you.” 

 Favorite Song of the Week ~ Josh Groban has an amaz­ing voice. He could sing just about any­thing and make it sound good (case in point: Josh Groban sings Kanye West­’s Tweet Stream) I’ve got a few faves by Josh, this one ranks near the top. A South African song about apartheid.

 Well that’s my week at a glance. Now get out there and enjoy summer!

One thought on “Saturday Status 8/6/11

  1. I always, always have to laugh when I see the “book name free” key­words bring­ing some­one to an author’s site. Like the author is going to offer up on their books for sale some­where for free. Cer­tain­ly makes you shake your head, among oth­er things. 

Whadd'ya think?