Six Sentence Sunday 6/12/11

Wel­come! I’m like #90-some­thing on this linky list, so I know you’ve got plen­ty to visit.

Okay, on with the sto­ry. Brynn has just awak­ened from surgery after being stabbed in a hotel park­ing lot.

You’ll be hap­py to hear that the only dam­age done was to your TVA.  The knife hit right in that gap between your stom­ach, pan­creas, and liv­er, miss­ing every­thing impor­tant.” He winked. “I was hop­ing I’d get to donate a kid­ney or some­thing, make you indebt­ed to me for life, but it didn’t work out that way.” He pressed on her stom­ach, and Brynn winced. “Good…perfect. I closed you, so you can thank me for your beau­ti­ful scars.”

That’s it for me! (Don’t count sen­tences…) If I have any med­ical pro­fes­sion­als, please don’t judge! This is a rough rough draft so I could have some stuff wrong lol. Have a great week everyone.

18 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 6/12/11

  1. I hope there real­ly is a nice blank spot like that so she does­n’t have to suf­fer too much more. Thanks! 

  2. I love com­ing home from a long day at the Evil Empire to see the love­ly com­ments on my SSS 🙂 Thanks for stop­ping by everyone! 

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