Year of the Rabbit Blog Hop

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Hope you’re enjoy­ing your East­er romp through Blog­topia! I was so excit­ed when I got the fol­low­ing words for my story:

Char­ac­ters: Movie Star, drum­mer, hit man Adjec­tives: Nympho­ma­ni­a­cal, bril­liant, hun­gry Set­ting: Salon

I mean real­ly. I’m an erot­ic romance author, and I get to write about a nympho­ma­ni­a­cal movie star? That’s just a giftwrapped idea. But as I sat down to write, it turns out the gen­der stereo­types got mud­dled in my head, and I…well.…just read on.

Bloody foot­prints. What a way to start the week­end. Only an ama­teur left evi­dence like this behind, and Sha­ni­ah was no ama­teur. She let loose with a string of curses.

The cop­pery scent of blood filled the air, and that familiar–yet for­ev­er eerie–energy of a life force leav­ing the earth sur­round­ed her. Usu­al­ly at this point in her job, she felt relief at com­plet­ing yet anoth­er hit. But now she glared down at the damn bloody foot­prints. Her footprints.  Now she had less than thir­teen min­utes to think of a new plan. Her stom­ach lurched, a long-for­got­ten sen­sa­tion of anx­i­ety flood­ed through her.

Or maybe she was just hun­gry.

She rubbed her bel­ly, then leaned over to tuck her gun into the hol­ster on her ankle. She’d eat when she fin­ished here.  God, she hat­ed clean-up duty. Good thing she was in a salon, with plen­ty of chem­i­cals at her disposal.

The movie star lying in a pool of his own blood looked noth­ing like the famous guy on the block­buster posters. Now he just looked like every oth­er job. Pale. Silent. Still.


Sha­ni­ah snick­ered. Stiff.  It wouldn’t sur­prise her if she rolled him over and found him stiff all over. Ryan Smart was known for his sex­u­al escapades. Prob­a­bly cer­ti­fi­ably nympho­ma­ni­a­cal. His lat­est lover, a bril­liant drum­mer, was the only rea­son Sha­ni­ah felt even the small­est twinge of remorse. She loved his band.

She shoved the emo­tion aside. Eleven min­utes left. Then her week­end could real­ly begin.

Now, I guess I could go on, and Sha­ni­ah could find anoth­er nice hit­man and they could fall in love and have nice lit­tle hit­ba­bies, but that’s a whole lot to read.  Sor­ry about the lack of heat in this one, so in con­so­la­tion, you can all down­load Tempt­ing Tes­sa, my free read which has plen­ty of heat.

I’ll be in Gem’s Chat Room on Sun­day at 7pm EST. I hope to see you there. Thanks for stop­ping by, and have a great Easter.

32 thoughts on “Year of the Rabbit Blog Hop

  1. Not every scene has to be all about hot­ness and I loved this sto­ry. Thanks for let­ting us read Tempt­ing Tes­sa, I love that cover. 

    Hap­py Easter

  2. I loved it! I did­n’t even notice it was­n’t steamy, I was so caught up. Write more, more! 

  3. Enjoyed the sto­ry, you don’t always have to have steam:() I would also like to read more!!

    Hap­py Easter.

  4. Great Sto­ry! I liked how you added at the end of the sto­ry about how in the future she might make hit­ba­bies. LOL I hope that you have a hop­py Easter!
    jes­sangil at gmail dot com

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