Six Sentence Sunday 4/3/11

Wel­come back! S3 is real­ly grow­ing. Each week it seems we have more par­tic­i­pants. I can’t make it around to every­one’s each week as it is! I’ll be at RT next week. I hope I’ll get to meet a bunch of fel­low S3 authors! I’ll try to remem­ber to pop online to post next Sun­day’s six some­time dur­ing that crazy week.

Con­tin­u­ing the sto­ry where we left off:

She tried des­per­ate­ly to open her eyes and speak to him, but it seemed all she could do was breathe, which was reassuring.

She’s also pret­ty smart,” Cade con­tin­ued. “If she was aware of what was hap­pen­ing, you can be sure that she’d com­mit any details to memory.”

Are you sure she’s going to survive?”

She was damn lucky. Noth­ing vital was dam­aged, and Doc­tor Stan­field is an excel­lent surgeon.

That’s it for me. Have a great week every­one. I’ll be hav­ing a blast in L.A.!

Whadd'ya think?