Six Sentence Sunday 4/17/11

Howdy! Wel­come back for six more of my WiP, a roman­tic sus­pense on my back burn­er until I work out a plot twist. Some­times being a pantser is tough, but I would­n’t have it any oth­er way.

She hadn’t real­ized how cold she was until she felt Susan’s warmth. “I heard that. Did you hear it Doc­tor Jensen?”

Yes,” Cade’s voice was less fran­tic than Susan’s, and he no longer sound­ed like he was a bad record­ing. “Brynn? Come on now. It’s time to wake up. Open your eyes. Brynn…”


Thanks for stop­ping by! Be sure to stop by the Six Sen­tence Sun­day Offi­cial Web­site for more great samples

28 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 4/17/11

  1. Yay, she’s com­ing to! (And inci­den­tal­ly, read­ing this whilst sip­ping cof­fee and try­ing real hard to wake up cre­at­ed a weird sort of echo in my psy­che. Time to wake up, yeah.) 

  2. Glad she made it. I some­times write an out­line of scene names but then every­thing moves as I bar­rel through it. 

  3. In my soul I’m a pantser, but try­ing to plan ahead more these days… good luck with the twist! It’ll come to you, prob­a­bly at the least con­ve­nient time, lol. Love that he no longer sound­ed like a bad recording! 🙂 

  4. I’m a pantser too! Some­times I just con­tin­ue writ­ing and the answer will sur­prise me by show­ing up one day. Great six! I hope you fin­ish this one. 

  5. What’s a pantster ?? the twist­ing plots are the most dif­fi­clt to fig­ure out — nice snippet 

  6. Intrigu­ing six. I’m a hybrid: half plot­ter, half pantser. I need to have some idea what’s going to hap­pen, but I like to be sur­prised along with my characters. 

  7. Pantser here too doing exact­ly the same thing with my cur­rent WIP. Very frus­trat­ing, isn’t it? But yeah, I agree… I would­n’t have it any oth­er way. Love this six. Very intrigu­ing. Makes me want to read more. 

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