Easter Hoppin’ Blog Hop

Wel­come! Thanks for tak­ing a break from dying eggs and taste-test­ing the East­er can­dy with us! On my blog, I’m going to give away the win­ner’s choice of my back­list ebooks. All you have to do is tell me the sto­ry behind this guy in the bun­ny ears. It does­n’t have to be long or any­thing, just a few sen­tences that explains what he’s up to.

Here’s mine:

Karen could bare­ly con­tain her gig­gles. How she’d talked Aidan into wear­ing those damn ears, she’d nev­er know. And now he had agreed to an impromp­tu game of hide and seek in the huge back­yard of their pri­vate vaca­tion con­do. Now she need­ed to find a way to prop­er­ly thank him for being such a good sport.

She unbut­toned her shirt, then uncapped the tiny jars of acrylic paint. She’d have to hur­ry if she want­ed to fin­ish paint­ing her body like an East­er egg before he found her…

Okay, I don’t need a whole scene from you, maybe just a sen­tence or two. I’ll ran­dom­ly draw a win­ner from the com­ments below. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Have fun!

Also, after you recov­er from this week­end’s blog hop, I’ll be involved in anoth­er one on East­er week­end. We’ll be giv­ing away a NOOK along with a pletho­ra of oth­er prizes. Check back here for details. Blog­gers, there is still time to sign up to join in the fun! Click the ban­ner below for more information.

Thanks for stop­ping by! I’ll email the win­ner on Mon­day morn­ing 4/18/11

27 thoughts on “Easter Hoppin’ Blog Hop

  1. She antic­i­pat­ed the gleam in his bright green eyes the sec­ond he noticed the gold flecks cir­cling her lush breasts. A small gig­gle escaped her mouth as she drew a ring of iri­des­cent pur­ple at the base of her spine, a shiv­er run­ning up her back at the thought of his vel­vet tongue glid­ing along the lines she del­i­cate­ly added there. 

    Thanks lis­apeters at yahoo dot com 

  2. Good thing my boyfriend has a sense of humor. He looks so cute with those bun­ny ears… I’ll make it up to him with lots of choco­late sauce…

    Count me in if it’s international! 🙂
    kah_cherub at hot­mail dot com

  3. hey um yeah see i found these ears and i just thought i’d you know try them on for size. What theirs a bun­ny tail to with them? No kid­ding! Where?? .… oh yeah right nev­er mind.( pulls bun­ny ears off and throws them down but looks long­ing­ly at them) lol

    Lisa B
    modokker at yahoo dot com

  4. He thought he would sur­prise her…wearing the bun­ny ears and …noth­ing else… He texted her cell phone and told her to come “find” him in the backyard…that he had a sur­prise for her! Lit­tle did he real­ize that he sis­ter was vis­it­ing and had seen the text and decid­ed to go out­side and look for him herself…

    Thanks for par­tic­i­pat­ing in the give­away hop:) 

    mk261274 at gmail dot com

  5. MMMM.…funnny!!! It was either the bun­ny ears or a pair of spe­cial “panties’ with bun­nies all over them that I had pur­chased just for this occasion.…..He chose the bun­ny ears.….later that night, after a bit of “encour­age­ment” the ears were on as well as the bun­ny panties — I promised I would­n’t take a pic­ture but.…..

    This was fun!!!

    blaze­sand­bub­bles AT gmail DOT com

  6. Oh come on hun­ny bun­ny what could one inno­cent pic­ture of you in bun­ny ears hurt” Karin asked with a twin­kle in her eye.

    My ego for one thing.” Josh pout­ed prettily

    Your a big boy you can han­dle one pic­ture in ears. Plus you have a smokin body no way is the ears going to take away from that.”

    On pic­ture woman and that is all I am giv­ing you. I swear if the guys at work sees this…”

    They won’t I promise.”

    Three weeks lat­er while walk­ing into the office three girls gig­gle. Walk­ing past the screen he dis­cre­at­ly looks to see what the fuss is all about and sure enough there is him in all his ear glo­ry on a blog hop stamp where the whole world can see.

    Oh that woman would pay for what she had done to him and it includ­ed whips, chains, and an intreast­ing use of peeps.


  7. Mar­cus decid­ed to sur­prise his girl­friend by open­ing the door to their apart­ment wear­ing bun­ny ears…and noth­ing else. She was sur­prised, and so were her par­ents and grand­moth­er. Nana looked him over head to toe, and then start­ed back up again, but did not quite make it to his navel. “Well, hel­lo,” she said. “Isn’t this a love­ly sight to see.”

  8. Do I have to come up with a rea­son he is stand­ing in the grass with ears on, I would rather just hop over the grass and join him!!

  9. It nev­er paid to go drink­ing with Luke, the SOB. But to lose a bet on quite this scale was some­thing that Eric might nev­er live down. He relaxed his stance and smiled non­cha­lant­ly for the camera…plotting revenge all the while.

    lit­tle lamb lst at yahoo dot com

  10. Thanks for the give­away and for par­tic­i­pat­ing in this blog hop! As for the guy with the bun­ny ears.… Isn’t it obvi­ous? He’s a shape shifter who did­n’t com­plete­ly “shift”!


  11. Bob­by could­n’t remem­ber how he got there or how he end­ed up wear­ing only bun­ny ears. The last thing he remem­ber was the beau­ti­ful woman at the bar and a few drinks. 

    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  12. So peev­ed that my step grand­ma came in my room and took the pic I had of my hus­bands lushus back­side out of my dis­played jew­lery box. I loved to look at that cute tush every day while I was gab­bing my ear­rings (true sto­ry BTW) I have no idea where she put it an am assum­ing it made it’s way to the garbage can. I am hav­ing so much fun now pos­ing my hub­by in these bun­ny ears 🙂 I know she’s com­ing over for east­er and maybe if I give my hus­band a cou­ple more shots I can get him to lose those pants. If she was so offend­ed by his back­side, I won­der what she’ll do when she sees the front side?

    Baha­ha­ha­ha, the first half is true and no I nev­er did find the pic 🙁 I nev­er would of done the sec­ond half, but it’s fun to wish 🙂

  13. Those ears he said… he had been try­ing to hide them his whole life.. East­er was the only time he could be who he real­ly was the East­er Bun­ny… giv­ing women every­where a real rea­son to celebrate. 

  14. It was Christ­mas morn­ing, he opened the pack­age under the watch­ful eyes of his girl­friend, curi­ous to see what was hid­ing in the pack­age that got her so excit­ed. He tore open the paper and touched some­thing soft. A scarf? He took it out and grinned: it was a pair of Play­boy bun­ny ears.

    So Gor­geous, this is your surorise for me? When will I get the spe­cial per­for­mance?” he asked wig­gling his eye­grows suggestively.

    His girl­friend laughed and shook her head:

    Oh no big boy, those are for you!”

    What?” he stut­tered not real­ly under­stand­ing her.

    I want YOU to be my bun­ny for a day..and night. Believe me, you’ll get your reward.” she replied sug­ges­tive­ly with a heat­ed glance. 

    Oh um.. ok” he said already pic­tur­ing the pos­si­ble rewards. He could­n’t wait for East­er to arrive…

    Thank you for the fan­tas­tic and fun giveaway! 

    stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

  15. It’s his girl­friends birth­day and this year her birth­day is on east­er. So to sur­prise her, when she comes home from work he is stand­ing by her bed in his bun­ny ears with rose petals on the bed and on the night stand choco­late cov­ered straw­ber­ries and whipped cream.

  16. I was won­der­ing about the pic since I saw this hop .I have to say he does make them ears look good 🙂 Thanks for the great giveaway!
    tishajean@ charter.net

  17. He is join­ing a fater­ni­ty and this is their initiation!!
    Thank you for the giveaway!!

  18. I won­der if these ears make my a** look big…” Steve won­dered as he rang Lau­ren’s door­bell. “And I hope her neigh­bors are at work! This is the last time I’m bet­ting any­thing dur­ing our week­ly pok­er night…”

    f dot chen at com­cast dot net

  19. I can’t real­ly think of much. maybe… he did­n’t know how he got into this mess. wait. . maybe he did. It had to do with his friend’s plea for help. He did­n’t know that it would end up with him in a pair of bun­ny ears with­out a shirt and on a stage sur­round­ed by pot­ted plants and all the sin­gle ladies beyond that. . Right then and there he made a promise to him­self nev­er to say yes to any pleas around the hol­i­day or spe­cial event times with­out find­ing out all the details. . it was too late for this time but next time it would­n’t be. The spot­light came on and he took a deep breath of courage and a step towards the cen­ter of the stage.
    jes­sangil at gmail dot com

  20. Due to the over­whelm­ing respons­es, I chose three win­ners rather than just one, so…

    Con­grat­u­la­tions to Lisa Peters, Stel­la ExLib­ris, and Sher­ry S, who were all cho­sen ran­dom­ly to win their choice of my back­list. Hope to see you all on the next blog hop on East­er weekend! 

    Thanks for stop­ping by, I enjoyed all the comments 🙂

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