Valentine Blog Hop

Wel­come to my website! I’m Alan­na Coca, and I write con­tem­po­rary romances, and I’ve dab­bled in his­tor­i­cal west­ern romance.  Feel free to click over to my Books page, because one win­ner will receive their choice of my back­list! If you’re just hap­pen­ing along this post, click HERE to see all of the blog posts in the JustRomance.Me Valen­tine’s Blog Hop.

© 2011 Michael Clothier

“Cut!” The direc­tor stormed onto stage, wav­ing his bot­tled water around in frus­tra­tion, the con­den­sa­tion hit­ting every­one watching.

Juan had been kneel­ing on the hard­wood stage for about an hour, and his kneecaps were throb­bing. Car­lie’s sigh was not only audi­ble, but her slump­ing shoul­ders clear­ly showed her frustration.

“Juan, you’re sup­posed to be propos­ing, not chew­ing glass. What’s with the pinched up face?”

Juan fell back on his butt, and let the rose roll out of his hand. “It’s called pain, Frank. I can’t kneel on this stage for hours on end with­out feel­ing a lit­tle bit of pain.”

Frank snort­ed. “Love hurts. Now we’re gonna can this scene before lunch if it kills me–” He took a long drink of water, prob­a­bly to replen­ish the mois­ture he was sweat­ing out. “–or you. Get it right so you and your knees can stop bitch­ing. Now places everyone!”

Juan ground his molars togeth­er. He rolled back onto his knees, and picked up the fake rose. The obnox­ious bell rang, along with Frank’s bel­low for qui­et on the set. Juan looked up at Car­lie, hop­ing his con­trite face con­veyed his apology.

She smiled, a sweet under­stand­ing grin, and leaned down to whis­per in his ear. “Get it right this time, and I’ll show you the silky red ted­dy I bought for our date on Valen­tine’s Day.”


Thanks for stop­ping by, every­one. I hope you all have a great Valen­tines Day. Good luck in the drawing!

28 thoughts on “Valentine Blog Hop

  1. Love the snip­pet you post­ed and can only imag­ine what hap­pens next. Hub­ba, hubba!

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

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