Discontinuing Hump Day Hottie Posts

After receiv­ing a surly, and rather dis­turb­ing email, I’ve decid­ed to dis­con­tin­ue my week­ly flash fic­tion slash eye can­dy posts, affec­tion­ate­ly known as the Hump Day Hot­ties. All for­mer posts have been pulled.

I apol­o­gize to any­one out there who might have been offend­ed by my fic­tion­al­ized scenes under the pho­to of any man who is not cur­rent­ly a romance nov­el cov­er model.

3 thoughts on “Discontinuing Hump Day Hottie Posts

  1. Say it isn’t so Alan­na! Don’t let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch! Let’s face it, any man can be a romance cov­er nov­el. There is a woman out there some­where who loves him, warts and all! I’m sor­ry you had to endure an email ugly enough to make you pull the seg­ment and I will miss your tal­ent­ed writ­ing and vivid imag­i­na­tion that gave each pic­ture a thou­sand words.

  2. Aww thanks Rhon­da! I’m going to miss the hot­ties, but I’m toss­ing around the idea of doing anoth­er week­ly flash fic­tion seg­ment, I’ll let you know.

Whadd'ya think?