Six Sentence Sunday 11/7/10

SSSun­day again! And Novem­ber already. I don’t know about you folks, but this year is real­ly speed­ing by for me. I’m real­ly not ready for the Hol­i­day sea­son. I think it’s because we’ve had unsea­son­ably mild weath­er here on top of this moun­tain knock on wood so I’m not gonna complain.

Con­tin­u­ing on with my SSStory 🙂

Don’t you think you’re tak­ing this a bit too far? Clear­ing out the place before we even talk about it?” His nos­trils flared. At one point in their mar­riage, Brynn couldn’t resist that fer­al move, but tonight it did noth­ing for her. She could­n’t see what had attract­ed her to this man in the first place. Sure he was great look­ing and crafty, but she was­n’t stupid. 

That’s it for me folks. The SSS Crew is grow­ing every week. Check out the main site, where there is a snip­pet for every taste. I’ll be check­ing them all out when I get home from the Evil Empire. Have a great week!

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