Six Sentence Sunday 11/14/10

Anoth­er Sun­day, anoth­er six sen­tences from my unti­tled and unfin­ished, and as yet untend­ed WiP. Anoth­er work was talk­ing to me, and loud­er than this one. Maybe I should start shar­ing six from that one instead!

Soon these six will catch up to where I left off. sigh

Falling for a smooth-talk­ing con man was­n’t some­thing she imag­ined her­self doing. Stay­ing with one was­n’t in her plans either.

            His prox­im­i­ty made her skin crawl, and she was afraid she real­ly would tear his hair out, so she edged away and cir­cled the foy­er. “Too far? Not at all. I can’t imag­ine any­thing you say could actu­al­ly change my mind.”

That’s it for me. Be sure to vis­it the oth­er SSS’ers at the Offi­cial Web­site. Maybe next week you’ll join us!

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