Six Sentence Sunday 10/24/10

Hap­py Sun­day! The sev­en day count down to Hal­loween, which means I get to buy bags and bags of can­dy with­out feel­ing bad. Lots of great posts this week from all of the Six Sen­tence par­tic­i­pants! I’m con­tin­u­ing my post from last week, but this week I’ll stick to six and be a good girl.

Brynn raised an eye­brow. “I’m damn lucky? I think you’re con­fused Jack. Those were your mes­sages, not mine.” She could still see the pic­ture of the wom­an’s nip­ple that was attached to the last email. His lit­tle girl­friend was smart enough to keep her face out of each pho­to, but Brynn was now way too famil­iar with the rest of the bitch’s body.

If you haven’t already, be sure to stop by the offi­cial S‑cubed web­site. See you next week!

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