Labor Day Blog Hop

Hap­py Labor Day! Thanks to for the won­der­ful tour! If you’re just com­ing across this post, you can catch the begin­ning HERE. I hope each of you indulges in a char-broiled burg­er to say good­bye to sum­mer. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m very *very* sad to see sum­mer go.  [pout] Now, on to the fun part. In the tra­di­tion of my week­ly Hump Day Hot­ties, I’m adding a scene to the guy. I can’t help it. When I see a pic­ture like this, my brain comes up with all kinds of sce­nar­ios. Here’s one:

So it was Labor Day week­end, and I real­ly was­n’t look­ing for­ward to a six­teen hour dri­ve to the coast, but Brad promised that he’d do most of the dri­ving. He also promised we’d stop at my favorite restau­rant for lunch. And din­ner. By mid­night, I could­n’t stay awake, and I curled up in the pas­sen­ger seat and fell asleep with our favorite band in the CD play­er, and watch­ing Brad nod his head and tap the beat on the steer­ing wheel. 

I don’t know how long I was out, but when I woke up, we were on the side of the road. Brad was fast asleep in the dri­ver’s seat. I stared. I could­n’t help it.  He’d tak­en off his shirt, and he looked so damn beau­ti­ful in the dim light of the rest stop lights. When look­ing was­n’t enough any­more, I reached over and as care­ful­ly as I could, released the buck­le of his belt. When he did­n’t stir, I start­ed on his but­ton fly. I leaned back to enjoy the view, and only then noticed that Brad was­n’t sleep­ing anymore.

Okay, on to the next blog. I hope you make it to the end, where I’ll be giv­ing away a copy of the win­ner’s choice of my back­list (you can find them here). Also, I hope to see a lot of you blog hop­pers at Gem Sivad’s Chat Room dur­ing one of the times list­ed at the end. We always have a lot of fun. See you there!

22 thoughts on “Labor Day Blog Hop

  1. Hel­lo and thank you for the post; it and the pic­ture made my day! I look for­ward to the chat fest; they are always fun and entertaining.

  2. I loved how you start­ed the blog hop off. That’s a great pic­ture and the lit­tle sto­ry was very good.

  3. Kewl sto­ry — sure hope this is two guys… Won­der if they will get strand­ed by Hur­ri­cane Gaston?

  4. I’m glad you’re all enjoy­ing the tour as much as I am. One can nev­er have too much eye can­dy. No calories!

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