Six Sentence Sunday 8/8/10

Anoth­er Sun­day, anoth­er six sen­tences from my unti­tled WiP. I real­ly can’t wait to get back to work on this. I fin­ished two short sto­ries for Olivia, and then went right into edits for her Feb­ru­ary release Tes­sa’s Pride.

Okay, enough blab­ber­ing. On with the  post:

When I entered into the agree­ment to pur­chase the Bone and Joint Clin­ic, my lawyer got a lit­tle ner­vous about Jack’s finan­cial respon­si­bil­i­ty; he’d already claimed bank­rupt­cy once. It was a con­di­tion to my partnership.”

I…I didn’t know. You nev­er said anything…”

Brynn shrugged. “That was almost sev­en years ago, and I hadn’t thought about it since.”

That’s it for me. I’ve got a full day ahead at the Evil Empire. Enjoy your Sun­day! Don’t for­get to vis­it the offi­cial web­site for more SSS participants!

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