Six Sentence Sunday 8/22/10

Good morn­ing every­one! I’ve got six more sen­tences from my WiP here, and maybe now that school is back in ses­sion I can actu­al­ly get to work on some of it. Con­tin­u­ing from last week:

Brynn wait­ed for the con­grat­u­la­to­ry gig­gle, but it nev­er came. She rolled her eyes. Susan’s big heart wouldn’t be able to stand it if some­one was hurt, even if he deserved it. “Don’t wor­ry Sue, he won’t be des­ti­tute. He’s got a job.”

Susan dropped her focus to her cell phone on the table. “Oh…gee…I need to go. I’m show­ing a house at four.”

Not sure read­ing a book six sen­tences a week is the best way to do it, but at this rate, it’s about as fast as I’m writ­ing the thing! Have a great Sun­day every­one, and don’t for­get to check out the offi­cial site for more SSS authors.

5 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 8/22/10

  1. Inter­est­ing reac­tion from the best friend. I won­der if there isn’t more going on here with her than just a big heart?

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