Independence Day Blog Hop

Wel­come to my web­site! If you’re just com­ing across my post, you can get the full enjoy­ment of the blog hop by click­ing HERE to go to the begin­ning of the tour. I hope you’re hav­ing a great time this week­end. The eye can­dy is almost bet­ter than fire­works, right? Here are my contributions:

Do you think Uncle Sam would approve of his cloth­ing choice? I’m not sure, we might have to retire that flag. All right, mis­ter. Hand it over 😉

I just love the patri­o­tism I’m see­ing. It’s the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca’s Birth­day, and these guys are all dressed up in their birth­day suits. Very nice job, boys.

I hope you can all join me in Gem’s Chat Room on Sat­ur­day from 5pm to 9pm EST, where we blog­gers will be chat­ting and shar­ing excerpts. 

Tons of thanks go to Michael from who has host­ed this deli­cious tour of blogs.

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