A Warm Easter Fuzzy

The East­er Bun­ny brought me a warm fuzzy! Just Erot­ic Romance Reviews, aka JER­R’s newslet­ter came out on East­er Sun­day, and Ste­fani gave Fine Print 4.5 stars!  Here’s what she had to say:

Kara Sor­ren­to has life by the balls, and if that doesn’t include a man, well so be it. She would like to have a baby though, and tough and thor­ough as she is, Kara has worked out the per­fect solu­tion to her lit­tle man-less prob­lem. Now that she has found the per­fect man, all she needs to do is con­vince him to agree. Derek Mar­tinez can’t believe the petite blond had the nerve to ask him to father her child. The fact that she wants him to sign a con­tract, well Derek isn’t plan­ning to fol­low her rules, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to share his DNA with her. First he has to break through her ice-cold façade, and then just when he thinks he is mak­ing progress, some­one from her past shows up and throws them all into a world of danger. 

Fine Print is the first sto­ry I have read by Ms. Coca, but it will not be the last. I love this sto­ry! Kara Sorrento’s char­ac­ter was a bit irri­tat­ing at the begin­ning, but the more she opened up, the more I under­stood her. She is guard­ed but deter­mined. Who doesn’t admire a woman who knows what she wants? When what she wants comes wrapped in an all around amaz­ing pack­age as Derek Mar­tinez, well Whew! Need I say more? He is amaz­ing, a great guy and bril­liant at nego­ti­at­ing that con­tract. There were sev­er­al sec­ondary char­ac­ters includ­ing Kara’s sis­ter Kris who was a fun char­ac­ter and I would love to read her sto­ry one of these days. Sex­u­al­ly, Kara and Derek made my toes curl. There were a whole lot of roman­tic escapades and the for­eign set­ting was per­fect for the sto­ry­line. I can’t say it loud enough, for an awe­some erot­ic romance grab a copy of Fine Print. You will be glad you did!

Thanks Ste­fani! Glad you enjoyed it. Fine Print is avail­able in ebook and print, just click HERE for more information.

Whadd'ya think?