New Reviews

Two of my books received some great praise ear­ly this week. Since I have no prob­lem toot­ing my own horn so to speak, I’m going to share them with you here!

Préjà Vu received five hearts from Romance Book Scene! Here is a snippet:

“Inter­est­ing sur­prise end­ing twist in this sto­ry keeps read­ers guess­ing through­out the novel.
I just loved Ryann and Trevor as the hero­ine and hero of this book. Ryann is intel­li­gent and well spo­ken. She isn’t some psy­chic or tarot card read­er off the street. She has no idea where the dreams come from and she does the best she can under the cir­cum­stances. Trevor [is] com­plete­ly tak­en with Ryann and isn’t afraid to show it.
This is a good read for those who like mys­tery, sus­pense with great romance and bed­room scenes.”

Nice huh? I like hear­ing good things about my books (from peo­ple oth­er than my moth­er, sor­ry mom) it gives me a lit­tle warm fuzzy.

And Fine Print received four and a half dia­monds from Got Erot­ic Romance! a snip­pet from that review:

“Wow…as an author myself, I was blown away by this sto­ry. It has everything…wonderfully devel­oped char­ac­ters, a deli­cious love sto­ry and a bit of sus­pense thrown in. I absolute­ly adored the build­ing, halt­ing rela­tion­ship between Kara and Derek. And I think the author hit the mark (at least with me) because I fell com­plete­ly in love with Derek. He’s the quin­tes­sen­tial hero. And the way he wove his patient and lov­ing way around the anal-reten­tive Kara was beau­ti­ful to watch. Seri­ous­ly, this was one of the best books I’ve read in a very long time. Nice job, Alan­na Coca. I can’t wait to read more from you!”

I always love read­er feed­back. If you’ve read one of my books, love it or hate it, I’d like to hear from you. Some­thing you would have liked to see? Some­thing you did­n’t under­stand? Won­der why I use so many ellipses? (So do I…it’s a weakness…I can’t seem to stop myself.) Drop me a line, or just leave a com­ment here.

Back to writ­ing. Olivi­a’s got a sto­ry she just HAS to tell, and since I’m the fin­gers of this team, I’d bet­ter get with it.  Stop by on Fri­day where I’m par­tic­i­pat­ing in a week­end-long blog tour loaded with prizes and eye can­dy. More infor­ma­tion HERE. See you then!

Whadd'ya think?