What’s Going On?

A whole lot of things, and a whole lot of noth­ing. I’ve start­ed yet anoth­er project. That makes num­ber sev­en that I’ve start­ed in the past four months. Some of these I’ve only writ­ten five thou­sand words, oth­ers up to fif­teen thou­sand. I write until anoth­er sto­ry starts scream­ing to be writ­ten. I sup­pose I’ll get them all fin­ished even­tu­al­ly.  A few projects for Olivia, a few for Alan­na. Some­times we switch in the mid­dle. No, I don’t have mul­ti­ple per­son­al­i­ty dis­or­der. Yet. I sup­pose there is time.

Present­ly, I’m work­ing on a 30k con­tem­po­rary west­ern, a joint project with two oth­er authors. We’re hop­ing to get three west­ern shorts togeth­er for an anthol­o­gy. More infor­ma­tion as that develops.

I’m tak­ing part in a pro­gres­sive sto­ry blog hop on Ground­hog Day, 2/2/10. I was assigned to chap­ter one, which means I have to wait to see what the rest of the authors on the tour will do with the sto­ry I set up. It should be a great time, and I expect some laughs when romance authors join forces with hor­ror writ­ers. Check back here on 2/2 for chap­ter one, and I’ll link to chap­ter two and so on.

Anoth­er blog tour on Valen­tine’s Day week­end. This one will be huge, already over thir­ty blog­gers have signed up for this one. Thanks to Michael from HartShine Design, this one will be a guid­ed tour. Want to learn more? Book­mark this page, this is where we’ll post the link to the tour launch page. Tons of prizes are up for grabs, so mark your calendars…you don’t want to miss this one.

Whadd'ya think?