Trick or Treat Tasty Tour

Hap­py Hal­loween!! You should have just arrived here from Celia Kyle’s blog. The tour start­ed at Gem’s Place. Need a map? Click HERE and a new page will pop up.  Alright.…here is my con­tri­bu­tion to your treat bags:

Who knows what his costume will be?

So is he get­ting ready for the cos­tume par­ty? Or is he get­ting ready for the par­ty after the par­ty? You tell me…

For a PriceI’m giv­ing away a copy of my book For a Price to one of the win­ners today!

Next stop, Stephanie Adkins. Hap­py Hal­loween everyone!

45 thoughts on “Trick or Treat Tasty Tour

  1. Hey,
    Celia has post­ed her con­test details yet…so I’ll have to go back to her site later…hopefully that’ll be okay…

    I’m going to say that I think he’s get­ting ready for the par­ty after the par­ty… *wink, wink* ;P

    Hap­py Halloween!!!

    Thanks for host­ing such an awe­some event!

  2. As long as he’s not get­ting back into those pants I’m hap­py. Who hand­ed him the pants any­way? Stu­pid peo­ple. Don’t they know he’s bet­ter off with­out? *sigh* 🙂

  3. If he can put the pants on he can also take them off at any time and you can still watch him wig­gle, so it’s all good.

  4. If you ask me, I think this is what he’ll be doing the fol­low­ing morn­ing. But, if I have to make a deci­sion on the only options giv­en, I’d say he was get­ting ready for the after par­ty. Then again, I’m not picky. At all!! Hap­py Halloween;)

  5. He’s get­ting ready for a par­ty. The expres­sion on his face would be a lit­tle dif­fer­ent if he were get­ting ready for the after party. 😉

  6. He’s get­ting ready for the par­ty. If he was get­ting ready for the after par­ty, he’d let me take the pants off…

  7. I hope he’s tak­ing those pants off for the par­ty after. Or he is in a state of frozen ani­ma­tion, wait­ing to be tele­port­ed to MY bedroom!

  8. I will help him with those pants!! He would def­i­nite­ly be tak­ing them off for our par­ty after!!!

    Hap­py Halloween!!!

  9. I don’t care which he’s get­ting ready for as long as he let’s me help!! I’m with Nina who­ev­er passed him those pants was stupid.

  10. He’s get­ting ready for the party.…he would have NO clothes near him at the after party!!

    Hap­py Halloween!!

  11. Looks flex­i­ble. Sweet. 😉 LOL

    Hmmm… Is this like one of those glass half emp­ty, half full ques­tions? Is he get­ting dressed, or undressed? That, is the question.


  12. I’m pret­ty sure he’s get­ting ready for the par­ty after the par­ty. My favorite kind of get togethers…

    Thanks every­one for vis­it­ing! The tour is so full of tasty treats, I know it’s hard to stop and comment 🙂

  13. What a dilemna..dressing or undress­ing??? Hmmm. All I want to know is where he is going to be going for the par­ty after the par­ty, cause I wan­na watch him in action. He has a lithe qual­i­ty to him, I bet he moves like a dream, yum.

  14. I def­i­nite­ly think he is get­ting ready for the par­ty after the par­ty. I would love to tag along for the ride. Wink!

  15. Is it just me, or does he look a tad too skin­ny. Come on over here, hun­ny, I’ll give you some­thing to eat!

  16. He is for sure get­ting ready for the par­ty — cause the after par­ty would involve way more peo­ple and I’m pret­ty sure his hair would­nt be quite so perfect 🙂

  17. Def­i­nite­ly the “par­ty” after the par­ty. I would­n’t want him to fall …I think I should go over there and get a hold on him.

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