Happy Anniversary To Me!

Wyoming Solace by Alanna CocaSep­tem­ber 28th, 2008 I signed my first con­tract with Liq­uid Sil­ver Books. It’s been one hell of a year. I’ve learned so much! I can cer­tain­ly see my growth from book to book. Each one I write ends up being my favorite, so now I have to say that it’s my favorite “so far”.

Wyoming Solace. My baby. My first­born. I start­ed writ­ing this sto­ry back in 1990. Yeah, I know. I did the math. :p I did­n’t write faith­ful­ly, or even con­sis­tent­ly. My edi­tor at the time Dean­na Pryce spent a lot of time with me, and broke me of a lot of bad habits. One of my ear­ly issues was the overuse of adverbs. My final edit­ing project was to search for the end­ing ‑ly and hack them in half. Some sen­tences had two and three in there! So I like to describe things, okay!?

One year, and five books. I think that calls for some black­ber­ry brandy.

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