Wyoming Solace now on Fictionwise

Now you can find Wyoming Solace for down­load at two sep­a­rate sites, Liq­uid Sil­ver Books, and now Fic­tion­wise! Even though I’d rather every­one still pur­chase from LSB, i think Fic­tion­wise will get WySol in front of the masses.

I’ve fin­ished my next book. I’ve set­tled on the title sug­gest­ed by my father.

Pre­ja Vu

I’ve post­ed blurbs and excerpts in pre­vi­ous posts and at my web­site. I’m cur­rent­ly work­ing on anoth­er west­ern romance, but this one isn’t his­tor­i­cal. I’ll prob­a­bly wait until the last minute to title that one too, because that’s how I roll 🙂

Whadd'ya think?