Earth Day Blog Hop

Join me along with oth­er Liq­uid Sil­ver Books authors this Wednes­day, Earth Day, for a blog hop­ping expe­ri­ence that’s sure to put you in a green state of mind! We’ll be start­ing with Nina Pierce, and you’ll find links to lead you on your mer­ry way. Some authors are giv­ing away free­bies to com­menters on their blogs, and one lucky grand prize win­ner will receive a pletho­ra of earth-friend­ly e‑books from the hottest sto­ry­tellers on this great plan­et of ours. It all starts Wednes­day morn­ing at 12:01 am, and runs until 11:59 pm Earth Day night. I’ll be giv­ing away a down­load in your choice of for­mats to a ran­dom­ly cho­sen com­menter that day, and will announce the win­ner on Thurs­day 423 at noon EST.

Mark your cal­en­dars, tell your friends, put on your drool bibs, because there will be eye can­dy galore!! See you there!

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