Hap­py Valen­tines Day Blog Hop­pers!

You should have just come from Savan­na Kougar’s blog at http://kougarkisses.blogspot.com/ If not, you’re line jump­ing, and that’s a faux pas! 🙂 But if you got lost, or just came across us, be sure to start over…the start­ing blog is http://stephanieadkins.wordpress.com/blog/
because there are prizes galore! 

I’m new to Liq­uid Sil­ver Books, My first release Wyoming Solace is a west­ern set in Wyoming in 1894. Writ­ing a west­ern was fun, but it took a lot of research about things I did­n’t even real­ize I need­ed to know, like…were there indoor toi­lets in 1894? If so, were they com­mon on ranch­es in the mid­dle of nowhere? No there aren’t a lot of toi­let scenes in the book, but stuff like that comes up you know? 

Well, now that I’ve scared you off from read­ing my book, I’ll show you the best part about research­ing cowboys:

What I’d like to hear, is this guy’s name (that’s the hard part) and what three things you’d need if you were strand­ed on a desert island with him. Sure it’s cliché, but hey you can’t spend all day on this, Just a cou­ple of quick sen­tences. (Unless you extreme­ly cre­ative peo­ple would like to send me a com­plete nov­el, that would be just fine with me!) I’ll be giv­ing away a copy of Wyoming Solace to one lucky or tal­ent­ed commenter.


From here you will be head­ing to
http://tinaholland.wordpress.com/ for some more tasty valen­tine eye candy.

I’ll be check­ing on posts through­out the day, and I’ll post the win­ner here and in the Liq­uid Sil­ver Forum by noon tomor­row! Hap­py Valen­tine’s Day!

42 thoughts on “

  1. Three things on a desert island? With this cow­boy hunk…hmmm…lots of aloe vera gel, lots of organ­ic coconut oil and an air mattress.

  2. His name is Luke…and we’d need a water­fall for cleans­ing the sweat we’ve cre­at­ed on our bod­ies. Food to keep us strong for the activ­i­ties to cre­ate the sweat. And water so we don’t dehidrate from work­ing up the sweat. It’s a vicious cycle…but some­one has to keep him occupied!!

  3. Let’s see. His name is Cade and I think we’d need some sun­block (don’t want to be too sore to more), a knife (so he can get our food and build shel­ter) and a blan­ket (to curl up togeth­er in) 

  4. I like the name Aiden, and I would need a tarp (pro­tec­tion from the sun and sand), an axe (build shel­ter and pro­cure food) and chocolate.

  5. Those jeans look a bit tight. Maybe he should just low­er them a tad more…then I’d…I mean he’d be more com­fy! This looks great!

  6. Hmm, his name is Jace, and I’d have to have a ton of 500 sun­block on that island, I’m pret­ty fair. And we’d also need a knife for hunt­ing and gath­er­ing and some hip hop so he can shake that thang in my face!

  7. Oh My, thank you for the eye can­dy, today is my 33rd Wed­ding Anniver­sary and I appre­ci­ate ya’ll hav­ing a spe­cial con­test just for me lol
    Have a great Valen­tine’s day 🙂

  8. His name is Nathan and we would need a tarp for shelter,a knife for gath­er­ing food and each oth­er for warmth.

  9. Let’s see. His name is Cade and I think we’d need some sun­block (don’t want to be too sore to more), a knife (so he can get our food and build shel­ter) and a blan­ket (to curl up togeth­er in)

  10. he looks like a rough and tum­ble kin­da guy to me…how about Clint, I have always felt that was a good cow­boy name!
    as to three things: unlimt­ed food, a source of water and an assort­ment of mas­sage oils :D!

  11. His name is Bart, but his friends call him Tex. On a desert island? Him, a book and flint for fire.

  12. His name is J.J., And the three things I need on a desert­ed island (with J.J.) is: con­doms, food and water.

  13. I think his name must be Jared, I read a good west­ern romance with that name. I’d need a years sup­ply of ener­gy bars, a case of wine, and my cell phone 🙂

  14. Great job every­one! Sor­ry I’m late get­ting in here, I’m lov­ing the ideas.…

    Hap­py Valen­tines Day to you all!

  15. His name is Damien because i would be doing all kind of evil things with him on our island!
    And we’d need A king sized bed, a fresh water source and an unlimet­ed sup­ply of food so we can put that bed to good use ;-).
    Hap­py Valen­tine’s Day!

  16. Some­one men­tioned he need­ed to be rid­den hard and put up wet — oh my, yes!!! Some food, fresh water, and some­thing soft to lie on for all that hard rid­ing — Colt and I shall be quite happy.

  17. His named would be Zeke. Would need food, a water­fall to have fun in and a knife to use to build shel­ter with. Hap­py Valen­tine’s Day.

  18. His name is Randy Cal­houn and he’s not just a reg­u­lar cow­boy. He’s a team leader, the best rustler in the state. When he’s not work­ing, he’ll take me to his pri­vate desert island where we’ll enjoy play­ing with our 1) super-soak­ers, 2) shaved ice, and 3) bro­ken chaise lounges.

  19. Well, I’d say his name is Blake Coleman…current hero of my west­ern in progress. As for being trapped on an island…I’m going to have to change your ques­tion because the chances of my cow­boy tak­ing a hol­i­day to the islands is low.

    How­ev­er when we get strand­ed in a remote cab­in in the Rocky Moun­tains I’d be sure to have packed away the fol­low­ing things to make our excur­sion a lit­tle more ‘bare’ able.

    1. A bot­tle of mas­sage oil
    2. A bot­tle of aged whiskey
    3. A box of dark chocolates.

    Nough said.…

  20. I’m going to choose Chase as his name. I’d like to have some lubri­cant, con­doms, and a copy of the kama sutra because we’re going to be here a long time!

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